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H Schultz Associates has maintained a reputation for providing dependable service and the finest in a wide range of architectural illustrations. H Schultz Associates offers architectural visualization solutions and styles to meet your marketing needs and budget requirements.

Illustrations are available from the most simple line drawing to the most detailed finished presentations. The audience may be partners, banks, investment firms or civic groups. H Schultz Associates' portfolio illustrations, using selective realism, dramatize the project and make it possible to "see" what is proposed.

A single architectural illustration will show how a proposed building or project will look when completed. To present the experiences people will have as they interact with this new environment H Schultz Associates has developed a Coordinated Series. A Coordinated Series is a group of illustrations expressing the details, lifestyle and personal involvement in the proposed as yet unbuilt development.

Illustration clientele have included major development and investment firms, architectural firms, branches of government and civic agencies.